Friday, December 28, 2007

Jones Family Christmas Eve

Ems and her Daddy. Sooo CUTE!

And our family photo opp by the tree.

Babies Babies Everywhere

Little kitties join in the Christmas celebrations at the Jones Family house.
When Emma cries the momma cat runs to protect her and chases the dogs out of the house.

Bow Heads Unite

Emma's first Christmas Eve was capped of with the wearing of the bows. A tradition dating back to her mother's first Christmas.

Emma vs The Twins

Here we see the joyful faces of Emma's bffs. Pictured above Emma in her first dramatic role.

Trail of Tears

Emma truly enjoyed a family tradition by reenacting the Trail of Tears on Austin's Trail of Lights.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

What is this thing?

Maybe, if I taste it I can tell you.
If you can't tell Emma is in the
"let's chew on it" phase.
(this is my daddy's background on his laptop)

Sittin Pretty

Yes, she loves to hold that ball.

I can chew on this too!

I heart blanket. Yummy yum yum.

So Cute

Oh ball, how do I want to chew on you. Now, if I could just figure out how to reach you....