Sunday, May 31, 2009

Golden Oldies

Here I am in the hospital getting ready for the 
arrival of Emma. 

Scott holding Emma her first week 
at home. 

Sweetie Pies

Avery hanging out in her bouncer. 

Emma after a bath. 

Friday, May 29, 2009

Garden Goodies

We picked our first crop of peppers
and tomatoes yesterday. Who wants

Fish N Chicks

Avery smiling away the day. 
She is such a happy baby. 

We dress for dinner. 

Monday, May 25, 2009

You be the Judge

Do they look alike?

Strawberry Pickin'

Emma would hardly stand still.
Notice the strawberry juice stains. 

The Haul!

Emma had so much fun! She was running up and 
down the rows grabbing (and mushing) strawberries. 

Our Avery E.

I just love this shot of Avery. She is such a sweet girl.
Just gotta love those blue eyes. She is "talkin" up a 
storm now. She will coo and squeal for hours. It's so 
much fun. Her big sis loves it. Emma stands over her 
and says "hi" and Avery squeals with joy. Let's hope 
this sister love fest will last well into their teen years. 

The Squirrelly Girls

Emma playing peek-a-boo around Avery's swing.

Emma and Avery love to giggle together. 

Emma picked the entire outfit out by herself. 

Just Our Emma

Emma just loves to sit on this piece of petrified 
wood in our courtyard. I believe it is her favorite
place for photos. 

Here Emma has packed her suitcase 
and was on her way. I took the photo 
and she said "Bye bye" and walked 
down the hall. Happy trails E. :) 
Can't wait to hear about your trip. 

Playing dress up with Emma is always interesting. 
Here she is sporting a lovely blue hula skirt and 
Avery's passie.  She is our resident comedian. 

3 Months and Growing

Our blue eyed beauty is now 3 months old. 
Happy Month-a-birthday Avery! 

Mr. Sandman

A & E ready for bed. 
Emma was so happy to "hold" Avery. She was very careful not to move an inch. Look how carefully she is watching Avery. She is a great big sister.