Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sweet Avery E

Strawberry Fields

The big one!

Pickin' with Pops

Sweet success

Team E had a ton of fun picking strawberries Sunday afternoon. We have a freezer full! Strawberry ice cream coming soon.

Avery's Baptism

We finally got Avery's baptized. After many delays, illness and lack of planning we did it. The girls did a wonderful job at "big church". We are so proud of our little ladies.
Thanks to Aunt Lindsay, Uncle George, Nanny, Papa, Cici & Bup for coming and sharing this special day with us.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cruisin' the backyard

Ferris Bueller, you're my hero.

Like mother, like daughter.

You know you're a Texan if...

you strongly believe that eating any ice cream other than Blue Bell is sacrilegious.

your parents have every sat you down in a fire ant bed* to get the annual bluebonnet photo.

*my girls are not in or near a fire ant bed.